Thursday, December 16, 2010

Facts About Nepal

Population Of Nepal           29,330,505 - 2009
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators

Area      : 147,181 sq km
Land     : 143,351 sq km
Water   : 3,830 sq km


Title:Recent developments in the telecommunications industry of Nepal
Author(s):Jason Whalley, (Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management Science, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK.)
Citation:Jason Whalley, (2006) "Recent developments in the telecommunications industry of Nepal", info, Vol. 8 Iss: 1, pp.57 - 71

Faces Of Nepal

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nepali Calendar

The Nepali Calendar is a traditional solar calendar used in Nepal for both civil and religious purposes. The year begins in the month Baishakh, about 14 April. The official Nepali Calender follows Bikram Samwat, abbreviated B.S. Nepal Sambat on other hand is the calendar that has origin in Nepal and followed only by a group of people of Newar origin. The Newa foundation aims to establish this calendar as an official Nepali calendar. The current Nepali year is 2067. The B.S. year is 56.7 years ahead of the (western) Gregorian Calendar. The Gregorian year 2000 A.D. began 17 Poush 2056 and ended 16 Poush 2057.

Bikram Sambat is the calendar established by Indian emperor Vikramaditya. It is a popularly used calendar in India and the official calendar of Bangladesh and Nepal.

Six Seasons of Nepal

Basanta       (spring)                Mid Apr - Mid Jun
Grishma      (summer)             Mid Jun - Mid Aug
Barkha        (monsoon)           Mid Aug - Mid Oct
Sharad        (early autumn)     Mid Oct - Mid Dec
Hemanta     (late autumn)       Mid Dec - Mid Feb
Shishir        (winter)                Mid Feb - Mid Apr